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More Options, Better Outcomes: How Location Intelligence Empowers Local Education

MapDash’s preconfigured data layers make it easy to visualize important information about education in a community, like private vs public school enrollment.

Education across America is diversifying, with more alternatives to traditional district schools emerging. From charters to magnets, dual-language to vocational models and beyond, families now have expanding options to find the right fit. For communities striving to improve outcomes, location intelligence is an invaluable tool for informing local education strategies and optimizing school options.

Understanding national trends at local levels

While there is undoubtedly a nationwide trend to increase K-12 education options, each community is different. Some states that have emphasized diversifying school options and expanding alternatives to traditional district schools include:

  • Arizona - large charter school enrollment, open enrollment policies, and tax credit scholarships;

  • California - allows charter schools, magnet schools, and dual immersion programs, resulting in huge charter growth in cities like LA;

  • Colorado - charter schools now account for 12% of public school enrollment, and many other educational options are also available to families;

  • Florida - significant expansion of charter schools, voucher programs, and virtual schools;

  • Indiana - voucher programs, open enrollment, and charter school growth especially in Indianapolis;

  • Louisiana - high charter school enrollment after major post-Katrina reforms, as well as other options;

  • Minnesota - as the first state to allow charters, enrollment has grown steadily;

  • Nevada - recent push to strengthen charter schools,  plus increasing opportunities for magnet/CTE programs;

  • New York - charter school cap raised in 2019, and in particular NYC has many alternative programs;

  • Ohio - Cleveland and Columbus lead in charter school enrollment, and vouchers are common;

  • Tennessee - rapid growth of charter schools encouraged in recent years;

  • Texas - big charter school presence, with many districts offering a variety of school specializations;

  • Wisconsin - long-running voucher program, with charter school expansion in Milwaukee.

While approaches differ, these states have embraced giving families more K-12 options as demand grows for alternatives to traditional neighborhood schools. However, the wide range of approaches taken by different states and cities can make it difficult for policymakers and families alike to navigate the educational landscape. Luckily, location intelligence can easily communicate hyper-local educational conditions and inform decision-making.

Mapping the educational landscape

Datastory’s user-friendly MapDash™ platform provides interactive mapping and robust data analytics to strengthen decision-making for both education policymakers and families choosing the right K-12 option for them. With preconfigured map layers, users can easily access the information most important to them without having to source, clean, or manipulate complex datasets. Instead, policymakers can leverage off-the-shelf location intelligence to develop new educational programs for their community, as well as make interactive data visualizations that clearly communicate existing options with families and other stakeholders.

With MapDash’s rich data layers and mapping interface, education decision-makers can:

MapDash combines the capabilities of traditional dashboarding tools with geospatial analytics software to deliver out-of-the-box location intelligence, preconfigured with the unique data layers education policymakers need to understand national trends in their own local communities.

  • visualize academic performance levels and trends across existing schools to identify struggling campuses in need of support;

  • map neighborhoods to pinpoint communities disconnected from high quality schools;

  • analyze population demographics and growth to anticipate where demand for schools is emerging;

  • locate optimal sites for new charter, magnet, and vocational campuses based on land use, zoning, and other suitability factors;

  • manage equitable access and availability of diverse school models through geospatial analysis;

  • engage families through web-based tools that clearly communicate school options and application processes;

  • assist data-driven planning and oversight of alternative programs to ensure accountability;

  • and perform other location-based analytics that typically require complex data science - all within one simple platform;

With greater school choice comes greater complexity butMapDash provides the location intelligence needed to analyze options, engage stakeholders, and ultimately help each student access an education tailored to their needs—regardless of ZIP code.

Contact us today to discuss how our solutions can empower your community. Education is a journey and we'll help chart the course.