Our Affiliates

Datastory Affiliates share a common understanding of location intelligence, and value our solutions foundational element in strategic planning and business decision-making.

Datastory has taken a leadership role in curating a group of like-minded executive leaders and their respective organizations in forming affiliations in mutual support of serving companies and organization in need of advanced location intelligence resources and solutions that are approachable, useful and affordable.


Faith Communities

FaithX helps congregations and judicatories re-envision their future by equipping leadership with tools and strategies to anticipate, identify, and effectively engage emerging missional opportunities and challenges.


Business, Education, Healthcare, Community Collaboration

Collaborative Partners coaches and guides executive leadership along the path to strategies and tactics resulting in organizational growth.


Datastory affiliates are differentiated in their industry. They offer a uniquely powerful approach to location intelligence.


Interested in becoming our affiliate?

We are looking to expand our reach by collaborating with like-minded companies who understand the value of location intelligence.

If your clients would benefit from Datastory solutions as a coordinated element of your offerings, we’d love to meet with you to share our Affiliate Business Model.