Introducing MapDash™ for Real Estate Developers.

MapDash revolutionizes real estate development by offering a user-friendly, data-driven scouting platform, allowing developers to navigate, analyze, and deeply explore potential sites through a wealth of layered data, such as traffic counts, zoning details, and demographic insights. Its robust analytical capabilities provide comprehensive data sets like customizable Opportunity Scores and insightful peeks into local business landscapes and consumer behaviors, ensuring developers make precisely calibrated, strategic decisions.

Click the play button below to learn more.

Get the MapDash that fits your business needs.

Explore options below.


Preconfigured for your industry.

MapDash is preconfigured for use in multiple industries and can be configured to include your data, custom analytic insights, and powerful reporting templates.

  • Real Estate

  • Healthcare

  • Nonprofits

  • Economic Development

  • Faith Communities

*Prepaid 12-month subscription required

MapDash +

Configured with your data and analytic insights.

MapDash is adaptable to your specific business needs. The Datastory team can make MapDash even better by adding the following:

  • Your data, transformed and visualized

  • Additional sources of data curated from public and 3rd-party sources

  • Advanced location analytics

  • Interactive, reporting templates and data-grounded presentations

  • Guidance toward integrating technology and GIS resources with MapDash

Services fee will be quoted prior to final sale.